Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Blessings!

This (slightly blurry) image was taken at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

I am back home after a lovely Holy Week and Easter spent with the Sisters! I have to admit that the week was fantastic, more peaceful and happy than I expected.

It was simply... comfortable. I wouldn't say it was exciting, really, not the way a big vacation to a resort or to Disney World might be exciting. It was more like finding a comfortable place to spend some time, finding a community in which I could belong.

I learned a lot. I saw how four very strong women of different personalities and with different needs can live together in a community. We worked and prayed together, and talked. There was lots of laughter, giggling, and some tears! I am thankful for these women and the lives they live in service to the world. I am thankful (and humbled!) to have spend so much time with them.

There is more to say, but I cannot find the words. I pray for strength and courage to do what God has laid out ahead of me.


Anonymous said...

funny to hear this first via blog, but great news to hear nonetheless!


Anonymous said...

p.s. be sure to catch up on cheezburger cats when you have time. hehehe.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

That's wonderful that you felt comfortable. May you be able to listen to those feelings of your heart ... Peace